Game-based learning
Draft 1
Editors: Rosa Maria Bottino and Michela Ott, ITD-CNR, Genoa
"Game-based learning" refers to teaching-learning actions carried out in formal and/or informal educational settings by adopting games. It encompasses the use of both games designed expressly for fulfilling learning objectives (educational games) and "mainstream games" -- i.e. those games that are developed for fun when used to pursue learning objectives (Kirriemuir and McFarlane, 2004 p.19).
A characterization of the term from a design perspective is:
- "1. Having learning driven by personally meaningful scenarios;
2. Constructing problems to extend previous understandings and shape future ones;
3. Paying close attention to users' pre-existing beliefs;
4. Carefully designing for what the user experiences from moment to moment; and
5. Situating facts and knowledge in the context of doing."
::(Squire 2005 p.26)
Translation issues
Italiano: giochi educativi
German: lernspiel
French: apprentissage par le jeu
Disciplinary issues
The term has a very long tradition in theory and practice of pedagogy and psychology, although in its original meaning it was not expressly related to computer games (Martens et al, 2008). It has evolved towards a synonym of "Digital game-based learning", that is it refers to the use of digital games for learning purposes (Pivec, 2007; Prensky, 2001).
"Game-based learning environment" has a tight relation with the concept of "Serious games". Following some researchers the former is considered as a sub-category of the latter, following others they are considered synonymous. Considering them synonymous is correlative to a broad definition of learning as "any form of change in a person brought about by external measures such as (educational) games" (Breuer and Bente 2010, p.8)
Key references
Breuer J., Bente G. (2010) Why so serious? On the relation of serious games and learning. Eludamos, Journal of Computer game culture, 4 (1) 7-24.
Kirriemuir J., McFarlane A. (2004) Literature Review in Games and Learning Report 8: Futurelab Series.
Klopfer et al (2009) "Moving learning games forward" available at
Moreno-Ger, P. et al., (2008) Educational game design for online education, Computers in Human Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2008.03.012
Pivec M., (2007) Editorial: Play and learn: potentials of game-based learning; British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 38 No 3 pp. 387-393
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game based learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Squire K., (2005) Game-Based Learning: Present and Future State of the Field «An x-Learn Perspective Paper»
Related terms
Digital game-based learning, Edutainment, Epistemic games, Game-based learning environment, Serious games
Related documents
Mcfarlane et al. (2002) Report on the educational use of games
Prensky M. (2001) The digital game-based learning revolution - Chapter 1